School Community Council


This page provides information to stakeholders about our school’s finances and operations for School Year 2023 - 2024 via our Academic Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan. Our School Community Council (SCC), made up of our principal, teachers, staff and volunteer community members, helps to craft and approve these plans for the following school year. An election is held annually to set membership on the SCC. If you’re interested in joining our SCC, please contact our principal.  Learn more about School Community Councils on the DOE website.

·     Functions

Our Story

Ka‘elepulu School provides a caring, nurturing, and positive learning environment for approximately 200 students. All school community members collaborate to support each other in learning, developing, and striving for excellence to help students achieve mental, physical, and philosophical goals. 

Philosophy for Children (p4c), promotes an intellectually safe, inquiry-rich learning environment to enhance and foster mindful thought and action. It culminates in quarterly p4c Community Days.  Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is integral to our whole-child concept and we implement Choose Love K-6 to emphasize the inclusion of all students as a community. We teach behaviors that foster respect and caring for everyone through the tenets of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action, to make connections to understand impulse control, problem-solving, anger management, and how the brain works through these. We integrate this with our organized play for safe, smooth transitions between recess and instruction.

Community Meetings

At least twice per year, we will convene meetings for the broader community to provide input on our Academic Plan and Financial Plan for the following school year.

Next SCC Meeting:

Hawaii’s public schools are required by law to implement bell schedules that categorize learning and non-learning minutes of the school day (Act 167/Act21) meeting a minimum of 1,080 student hours each year.

Bell Schedule

School Calendar

Ka`elepulu 2024-2025 School Community Council Roster of Members:

Admin: C. Rowley

Certificated:  S. Taira

Classified:  D. Halemanu

Community:  D. Kellser

Parents:  Dr. L. Gonzalez, M.Cox

Teacher Reps:  K. Conger, J. Price

Student Council President: E. Lum

Student Council Vice President: A. Dore

Academic Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan:

Schools publish an Academic Plan each year to set the goals and priorities for student learning, programs, and initiatives, aligned to statements of funding.

 Our plan was approved by our School Community Council and the Windward Complex. 

Academic Plan 2019 -2020/2020-2021 / 2021-2022   / 2022-2023