Kaʻelepulu School

Report an Absence, Tardy, or Early Release

As an alternative to making a phone call, you can now scan the QR Code or use this reporting link to notify the office of your child's absence, tardy, or to notify us of an early release.

Please keep our Keiki safe!

All volunteers and visitors must sign in and out during school hours.  Please scan the QR code and head to the office for your on-campus badge.  No phone?  No problem!  You can sign in to the reporting link to let us know you're here, and go to the office for your on-campus badge.

Our Mission

Our Ka‘elepulu School ‘ohana work together in a Kākou (inclusive) way to support the growth and success of every student in becoming lifelong learners and contributing citizens

Our Vision

Ka‘elepulu’s vision of success is students who represent the spirit and values of Hā Koa

Our Kākou Commitment

To keep our school campus and all members of our community safe, we must work with a sense of togetherness and collaboration


Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

For questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment at your school, you may contact Colette Honda at collete.honda@k12.hi.us or 808-597-6566 Civil Rights Compliance BranchThis institution is an equal-opportunity employer